Sunset, Twilight and Darkest Night. Sunshine and Shadow.
Is There An Easier Way?
Published on August 3, 2023 By Noctu In Fences

When you want to color Fences, there are sliders for Transparency, Color Intensity, Tint, and Saturation, similar to the Hue/Saturation sliders in Photoshop.

When you want the Fences to match the exact shade of teal on your background wallpaper, would it not be easier to have a hex or RGB color code box to take the information? Or an eyedropper tool to sample the color you want to make it? (to continue the photoshop comparison)

I would like to request a color code input box (or boxes) in future versions of Fences. It is Officially on my Wish List now.      

on Aug 03, 2023

I have forwarded your request to the Stardock Support Team for their review and recommendations. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We really do appreciate your feedback, Thanks

Stardock Community Assistant.

on Oct 23, 2023

I think that the easiest way to do this would be a box with the color/setting numeric value at the end of each of the bars.  The value would reflect the current position on the bar.  It could be an actual color number or a simple 0-100 scale.  Ideally it would have the ability to move up or down numerically without having to touch the slider.